Google Ending Support for Internet Explorer 9 for Gmail and Other Google Apps

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Google has announced end of support for Internet Explorer 9 for Gmail and other Google Apps. Google has a policy of supporting only the latest 2 versions of browsers, which includes Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.



Dropping support for Internet Explorer 9 might come as a big blow for certain enterprises and organizations where users are still stuck even on IE 8. While the basic functionality for Google Apps still works on some older browsers, end of support means that Google would not be rolling out and testing any fixes for them.

Google mentions on their support page that users might find the following issues with Google Apps on unsupported browsers:

Gmail: users would be redirected to basic HTML interface for Gmail. This is a stripped down version which does not support most of the features users enjoy.
Calendar: will be displayed in read only mode. Users would not be able to create new events or make edits to current ones.
Drive: drawing and presentations would not display correctly.

If you are unable to use Chrome, which provides the best Google Apps support and experience on any desktop platform, Microsoft recently released Internet Explorer 11 along with Windows 8.1, and soon for Windows 7.

More details on Google Apps supported browsers can be found here.


About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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