iPad capable of making emergency calls!


The iPad SDK reveals so many secrets. Last month, it revealed the device’s capabilities of Video Calling. It can be easily achieved by enabling a passcode lock, and then entering it incorrectly about 5 times. You can then slide for an emergency call.

I’m not sure why Apple included this function to the iPad, but it might be related to FCC regulations regarding all “wireless phones” being able to make emergency calls, even if there isn’t a number assigned to it.

Emergency calls

If it can make emergency calls, it opens doors to new possibilities, such as the ability to make normal calls, but don’t get your hopes up, because it isn’t something Apple would do for the iPad. However, it will allow VoIP applications, such as Skype for instance.

Even though it is just emergency calls, it’s a useful feature. The iPad SDK has revealed so much, I’m starting to wonder what the community can discover in it. We’ve seen Video Calls, and Emergency Calls. What’s next?

[via 9to5mac]

About the Author

Eddie is one heck of a technology lover. He likes everything that catches his eye. He first loved technology when he got his GameBoy console!

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