Windows Phone 7 Series build ROM dump available

Well, that didn’t take long. Just a day after the Windows Phone 7 Series emulator was made available, the guys over at XDA managed to extract the ROM. HD2 owners, don’t get too excited as there are no signs yet of whether this will be ported to older devices or not. The ROM only has the settings panel and Internet Explorer, but according to Long Zheng:


Also keep in mind, we had been told ages ago by Ballmer that Windows Phone 7 Series runs on HD2 with minimal lag. They could have been using it as a test device during development but changed their minds later onwards due to technical reasons. But whatever it may be, there is a slight ray of hope that users might be able to run the new OS on their HD2 someday. Maybe. *fingers crossed*

hat tip @lonzheng

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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