After the launch of iPad, Google announced their version of a tablet which will run on Android. Other tablets were also launched like JooJoo and WePad but they didn’t get that much popularity. Now Cisco has announced their version of tablet which would run Android as well. This will be a 7 inch tablet and would be called Cisco Cius Tablet.
This tablet would be an “ultra-portable, mobile collaboration business tablet that offers access to essential business applications and technologies.The tablet would provide full support of Cisco’s telepresence technology with HD video conferencing support. It would have 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, 3G/4G data and Bluetooth 3.0 support for virtual desktop client and would have soundstation which features Bluetooth, USB peripheral support and a handset option.
The Cisco Cius tablet is clearly targeted to the corporate world and is different from the tablet that Google would launch which will also have Android OS. Some would say Apple have missed the trick by not putting a camera in iPad, but to be honest the functionalities of iPad and this Cisco tablet look totally different. Cisco will start rolling out Cisco Cius Tablet in the first quarter of 2011.
Applications capabilities:
- 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, 3G/4G data and Bluetooth 3.0 help employees stay connected on and off-campus
- HD video (720p) with Cisco TelePresence solution interoperability for lifelike video communication with the simplicity of a phone call
- Virtual desktop client enables highly secure access to cloud-based business applications
- Android operating system, with access Android marketplace applications
- Collaboration applications including Cisco Quad, Cisco Show and Share, WebEx, Presence, and IM
Cius tablet highlights:
- 7” diagonal, high-resolution color screen with contact-based touch targets delivers an elegant, intuitive experience
- HD Soundstation supports Bluetooth and USB peripherals, 10/100/1000 wired connectivity and a handset option
- Detachable and serviceable 8-hour battery for a full day of work
- Highly secure remote connections with Cisco AnyConnect Security VPN Client
- HD audio with wideband support (tablet, HD Soundstation)
[via androidandme]
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