Google rolls out shortcut for Gemini directly in the Chrome address bar

Google rolled out a new shortcut that lets you access Gemini directly from Chrome’s address bar on your desktop. This means you can now easily chat with Gemini without having to open a separate window.

Gemini Pro

This new feature integrates seamlessly into your browsing experience, allowing you to tap into Gemini’s capabilities with minimal effort. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Google Chrome on your desktop.
  2. In the address bar, type “@gemini” followed by a space.
  3. As you type, you’ll see a suggestion pop-up that says “Chat with Gemini.” Click on that suggestion.Chat with Gemini

Just like magic, you’ll be instantly directed to a chat interface within the Chrome window. Here, you can type your question, prompt, or request for Gemini, just as you would on the Gemini website.

Hit enter, and Gemini will craft its response, providing insights, generating creative text formats, or fulfilling your request with its characteristic expertise.

Chat with Gemini result

This shortcut is a game-changer for those who rely on Gemini for their daily tasks. Imagine you’re researching a complex topic for a paper.

Previously, you might have needed to switch between browsing relevant sources and then navigating to a separate window to consult Gemini for analysis or deeper understanding.

Now, with the shortcut, you can effortlessly switch between these tasks within the same Chrome window. This creates a much more fluid workflow, saving you time and keeping your research momentum going.

While the Chrome shortcut caters to desktop users, there’s good news for mobile users as well. Google has recently expanded the availability of the standalone Gemini app to over 100 countries worldwide.

This means you can now download the app directly from the Google Play Store (restrictions might apply for users with Workspace add-on or Android Work Profile) and have Gemini’s capabilities at your fingertips wherever you go.

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