Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1 Available for Download

Microsoft has released Service Pack 1 for Office for Mac 2011. This update helps improve security by fixing a few vulnerabilities as well as supporting Apple’s Sync Services via Outlook 2011 SP1. You will be able to sync your Outlook calendar, contacts, notes and tasks with any service or device that supports Sync Services, including iPhone and iPad.

Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1

There are a few more features included in Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1:

Outlook support for Exchange based server-side rules; Outlook Redirect button (you can redirect the message to the intended recipient and the replies will go to the original sender); Outlook Resend button; Outlook edit of existing messages; and Solver integration support in Excel.

Here’s the description from Microsoft:

This update fixes critical issues and also helps to improve security. It includes fixes for vulnerabilities that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer’s memory with malicious code. For detailed information about this update, please visit the Microsoft Web site.

Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1 can be download from the link below. Alternatively, you can check for updates through Microsoft’s update app included in Office for Mac.

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Download Office for Mac 2011[/ilink]

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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