The Official Inception Movie App For iPhone Is Now Availalble In App Store!

It is now without a doubt a fact that Inception is probably the best movie of the decade. In honor of the great movie, an iPhone app has been released for FREE in the App Store as a “gift for the inception fans” according to Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer. They say, this app is a dream machine which lets you experience Inception in your real life. It uses augmented sound to induce audio-dreams through the headset of your iPhone or iPod Touch and will change your perception of reality!


If the above description doesn’t really make sense in words, just download the app and try it for yourself with your headphones. As the developers of the app says: “don’t play this app with the touchscreen. Play it with your life.”

Check out the iTunes description and some screenshots below:

This app is a dream machine that transforms the world around you into a dreamworld. It uses augmented sound to induce dreams through the headset of your iPhone and iPod Touch. It will change your perception of reality.

Inception The App transports Inception The Movie straight into your life. New dreams can be unlocked in many ways, for example by walking, being in a quiet room, while traveling or when the sun shines. You will get realtime musical experiences, featuring new and exclusive music from the Inception soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer. This app is the first result of Christopher Nolan, Hans Zimmer and Michael Breidenbrückers’ collaboration using augmented sound.

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Download Inception – The App For iPhone / iPod Touch (Direct Link)

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About the Author

I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in Diagnostic Radiology. I'm crazy about Formula 1, all sorts of gadgets, surfing, console gaming, movies, music & I simply LOVE high-end designer wear! Follow me on Twitter @DrUsmanQ

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