Microsoft has not announced Office Web Apps for the iPhone or iPod Touch currently, but there’s a workaround to get it running on these devices. The edit link for documents isn’t there when you open them in SkyDrive on the Mobile Safari browser due to lack of support. While the experience of running OWA is very similar to how it works on a PC without Silverlight support, you can’t actually edit anything, since the keyboard doesn’t come up for text editing fields. This has been tested in PowerPoint.
Apart from that you can view any Presentation you have in your SkyDrive which can be really helpful, but then the iPhone also has a viewer Office documents. What it doesn’t have is that your SkyDrive has 25 GB of space and the documents are available on any PC, Mac or Linux without the need of syncing manually.
Check out the images below to get an idea of how it looks on Mobile Safari. I tested this out on my iPod Touch by the way.
I haven’t tested Excel yet although I don’t think it’ll have editing support either. I’ll keep you updated when I test out other Office Web Apps specially Word.
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