On May 15, WhatsApp will launch its controversial privacy update and the company’s spokesperson has confirmed that users who will not accept the new privacy policy will eventually lose access to certain features of the app like chat list, ability to make calls, and others.
In January 2021, WhatsApp announced its new privacy update which would give share users’ data with its parent company, Facebook. As per the announcement, from February 8, users’ information like phone numbers, location, contacts will be shared between the two platforms. And users were threatened that if they did not accept new terms, their accounts will be deleted or they will lose functionality.
However, after receiving global backlash, the messaging app postponed the policy till May, and in the interim, it tried to educate the users of the update’s impact on their privacy and security.
WhatsApp confirms users who opt-out of new privacy terms will gradually lose functionality
Recently, it was reported that the company will not deactivate accounts and restrict functionality for those who not accept the upcoming privacy policy. Instead, it will send regular reminders. However, the company is taking another u-turn and reminds users that they will lose access to key features on opting-out.
At that time, you’ll encounter limited functionality on WhatsApp until you accept the updates. This will not happen to all users at the same time.
- You won’t be able to access your chat list, but you can still answer the incoming phone and video calls. If you have notifications enabled, you can tap on them to read or respond to a message or call back a missed phone or video call.
- After a few weeks of limited functionality, you won’t be able to receive incoming calls or notifications and WhatsApp will stop sending messages and calls to your phone.
Previously, when WhatsApp announced the controversial update, it began to lose users and rival messaging apps like Signal and Telegram gained millions of new subscribers which we believe would have been a telling sign for the company that users care about privacy. But from what it appears, the company is not worried about users’ feedback at the moment and is focusing on users’ data.
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