Apple is working on its sixth-generation iPad mini which is expected to feature a new A15 chip, USB-C port, thinner bezels, Touch ID power button, and iPad Pro-like curved corners and flat design language. As per a new report, Apple is also planning to include a mini-LED display in the new iPad mini, which is only available in the 12.9-inch iPad Pro so far.
iPad mini might be Apple’s next tablet to get a mini-LED display
DigiTimes published a new report preview today in which it shared that BLU maker Radiant will be kicking off shipments for mini-LED backlit devices in Q3 2021. These mini-LED components will be used in the upcoming MacBook Pro and iPad mini, and shipments will increase in the fourth quarter to meet higher demand.
Apple has only shipped a mini-LED display with the large 12.9-inch iPad Pro. The 11-inch iPad Pro still uses conventional LED tech. So it is surprising that Apple would make a jump to mini-LED for its smallest iPad, bypassing its 11-inch iPad Pro and iPad Air models. A mini-LED display would bring higher brightness, deeper blacks, and improved contrast ratios.
Whether Apple includes a mini-LED display with the iPad mini or not, it has been confirmed by various sources like Bloomberg and Ming-Chi Kuo that the smaller tablet will launch later this year. Neither of them have mentioned the inclusion of mini-LED display tech for the iPad mini.
Based on various sources, expect the new iPad mini to feature a powerful new A15 chip, Smart Connector for keyboard connectivity, Apple Pencil 2 support, larger display with curved edges and thin bezels. It will also get rid of a physical home button, and use Touch ID in the power button for biometric authentication.
Read more:
- iPad mini 6 to be powered by A15 chip, feature USB-C connectivity, more – Report
- Redesigned iPad mini 6 with thinner bezels, larger display and more coming this Fall
- Upcoming iPad mini 6 renders show thin bezels, larger display, and USB-C port
- iPad Pro with wireless charging and iPad mini with slim bezels and no home button are in the works
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