Amazon Starts selling iPads

Apple have finally made the iPad available for purchasing from and not just their website.

At the moment, only the 32GB and 64GB WiFi Version are available on Both are offered at the same price as they are on the Apple website, so the 32GB is $599 and the 64GB is $699.

The other four models are not yet available on but other websites still sell them. For example, you can buy a 16GB WiFi only model for around $560 which is a huge increase form the regular price of $499.

The iPad models now sold through Amazon are available without local tax for many customers. Those who have Amazon Prime can get free delivery on the iPad.

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About the Author

Hi I'm Ollie,I'm a student from Manchester,England who loves tech!! I love anything from Apple - Zune, that's why I fit in perfectly writing for iThinkDiff.

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