Apple recently launched first-generation M1 iPad Pro models. In addition to the faster Apple Silicon, Apple has equipped the high-end 12.9-inch iPad Pro model with an advanced mini-LED display for brighter and a sharper viewing experience. However, the mini-LED panels are expensive which will increase the cost of the tablet.
Therefore, it is again reported that the Cupertino tech giant will replace the currently used LCD display with an OLED display in upcoming iPad models in 2022. The OLED panels are lighter, thinner, and emit visible light which is suitable for low light conditions.
Apple to expand OLED display tech to iPad line-up by 2022
Currently, Apple uses OLED displays in the latest iPhone 12 series manufactured by Samsung and LG. Now ETNews claims that the Cupertino tech giant has finally decided to replace Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) in 2022 iPads, as it did with iPhone in 2017.
As per the report, the “display companies have agreed to produce and deliver.” This transition is expected to expand the OLED in small and medium-sized markets.
Apple has confirmed the installation of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) on the iPad. The small and medium-sized OLED market is expected to enter the second growth phase. Apple is the no.1 company in the tablet market, and the small and medium-sized OLED market, which has grown mainly for smartphones with the iPad OLED conversion is setting a new foothold for growth.
Small and medium-sized OLED investments, which have been suspended for a while are also expected to resume in earnest, so the virtualization of downstream industries such as materials, parts, and equipment (small manager) is also drawing attention.
The publisher estimates that iPads’ transition to OLED display will expand the advanced panels’ technology by 50 million units.
The iPad is the world’s best-selling tablet. According to market research firms, about 50 million units are sold annually. Compared to the iPhone, which sells 200 million units each year, it seems to be small, but the iPad’s display size is 11 to 13 inches. Since medium-sized OLEDs which are 3 to 4 times larger than for smartphones, are applied, it is expected to result in the expansion of the small and medium-sized OLED market.
However, the report does not mention which medium-sized iPad models is the OLED display coming to and their manufacturing partners. But tech analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo claimed that Apple will introduce OLED tech in 4th generation iPad Air.
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