Apple launched the latest flagship series with a 5.4-inch iPhone 12 mini model to offer advanced tech in a compact size smartphone. However, with bigger screen variants like 6.1-inch iPhone 12 and 12 Pro, and 6.7-inch iPhone 12 Pro Max, the smallest iPhone model did not appeal to the masses. And a few months after its launch, it was reported that iPhone 12 mini has the lowest sales out of all the models.
Now, TrendForce reports that Apple has already stopped production of the compact iPhone model.
Disappointing sales lead to iPhone 12 mini End-of-life before time
The Cupertino tech giant is expected to launch the next-generation iPhone series in September 2021. And in addition to the A15 Bionic chip, 5G network support, improved camera, and more, it is speculated that the new series will also have four models like iPhone 12.
So, discussing the upcoming iPhone series, presumably called iPhone 12s or iPhone 13, the publisher wrote that Apple will focus on the bigger models rather than the mini variant. It further explained that Apple ended production of the smallest iPhone model ahead of time due to poor sales.
Apple is expected to focus on driving sales of the three non-mini models in the iPhone 12s series in view of the fact that the iPhone 12 mini (which reached End-of-Life ahead of time in 2Q21) suffered disappointing sales performances compared to other models in the iPhone 12 family.
Previously, The Korean Herald reported that the iPhone maker will likely have to pay Samsung for the shortfall of OLED display orders of the iPhone 12 mini. In January 2021, it was recorded that Apple’s small OLED shipments had dropped by 9 percent month-to-month, 45 million units, due to lower than expected sales. Even then, the Cupertino tech giant unveiled a new purple iPhone 12 mini variant along with iPhone 12. Maybe, a new color option did not attract consumers.
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