Apple To Increase iTunes Song Preview Length To 90 Seconds!


I’m sure you all agree that listening to a random 30 seconds segment from a song on iTunes is not always good enough in helping you decide whether to buy it or not right? Well the very problem seems to be getting solved pretty soon as Apple has made an official announcement to extend the previews for all the songs listed on iTunes from 30 seconds to 90 seconds. Apple has e-mailed all the music labels about this change happening in the near future.

“We are pleased to let you know that we are preparing to increase the length of music previews from 30 seconds to 90 seconds on the iTunes Store in the United States. We believe that giving potential customers more time to listen to your music will lead to more purchases.”

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However it is interesting to note that Apple has specifically mentioned the change happening for the U.S. iTunes store only which means the non-US iTunes users will be waiting for a while for this change to happen to their respective iTunes music stores. Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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[via Engadget]
About the Author

I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in Diagnostic Radiology. I'm crazy about Formula 1, all sorts of gadgets, surfing, console gaming, movies, music & I simply LOVE high-end designer wear! Follow me on Twitter @DrUsmanQ


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