It is expected that Apple will hold an event in September in which they will unveil the new lineup of their iPods which will include a new iPod touch with Retina Display and a front facing camera for making FaceTime calls just like iPhone 4. Apart from iPods, it is also expected that Apple may launch iTV in the same event. Earlier, All Things D said that Apple will hold the event in mid September but today in a story about upcoming 99-cent shows rentals in iTunes, Bloomberg reports that Apple would hold the event on 7th September.
Bloomberg mentioned that Apple will use the event to launch their new iPod touch, Apple TV and the 99-cent TV show rental service. September 7 is also the date when Apple’s back to school promotion will end in which they are giving away free iPod touch with the purchase of a Mac. September 7 is also the date near Apple’s usual schedule of iTunes and iPod event.
Apple has still not officially said anything about the event but they might announce something soon as the expected date gets closer.