Apple posts page to help users with the transition from MobileMe to iCloud

Apple has posted their new page to help current users of it’s MobileMe service have a smooth transition to iCloud and answer any questions they may have before the transition. Apple has kept many of the MobileMe services and will be transferring them to iCloud but iWeb, Gallery and iDisk are out.


Apple is confirming that if you are a user of MobileMe as of June 6, 2011, your service has been extended until June 30th of next year, at no additional charge. After June 30, 2012, the MobileMe service will no longer be available.

Apple is also confirming that web access will be available for it’s iCloud apps this upcoming fall. With this new transition, if you use iWeb, Gallery or iDisk, you have a year to move your site to a new host, copy down all your photos and download your files from iDisk before the June 30th cut off date.

Thankfully Apple is trying to make the transition as easy as possible, which will make it easier on their users as well as on themselves.

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About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.

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