Google has a new search results UI in the works. Here is how it currently looks like:

While doing some ‘ego searching’ today, I stumbled across this new Google Search results UI. It looks a lot cleaner than the current UI and a lot less colorful as well. The currently search selection has colored buttons while other search types have colorless images. Weirdly though, navigating to either of them brings back the old UI.

The search bar is a lot longer now, I guess that’s because lots of people search for long queries and not just short keywords. The button style has also changed and looks cool.


Google Search

The ‘realtime’ search options as well as different filters and views are available via the More link.

google search

Does it look better than the current Google Search UI? I think yes. It looks a lot less cluttered.

old google search

It seems that this is a work in progress (since last year). There’s a trick posted over at Gizmodo to access it.

Thanks to @blogsdna for the Gizmodo link.

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


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