How To: Delete Personal Data from Photos

We all enjoy our privacy, but protecting it gets harder and harder. Many new cameras, especially those found on the iPhone/iTouch and Android devices tag location data, along with what kind of camera was used, and the shutter speed. Here are some easy ways to remove personal information from your photos before sharing them.

For Windows:

Windows actually has a solution built right in, so there’s no need for an external application. Select the photo/photos you wish to remove data from, right-click them, and click on Properties.


On the Details tab, there is a link at the bottom of the window that says Remove Properties and Personal Information. Click on that link, and hit ok on the new window that pops up. You will now have a duplicate file/files in the same folder as the original/originals. Those photos that have “Copy” in the name are clean of personal information.


For Mac:

Unlike Windows, Mac OS X does not have tools built in to allow for easy information removal. Instead, use an application called SmallImage, which can be downloaded here. Snow Leopard users please note that there is a separate version specifically for Snow Leopard. To begin, open SmallImage and drag the image you wish to work on into the application window.


Next, uncheck the box next to “Recompress at quality:” because we want the image size and quality to stay true to the original. Then, just click Process, and an info-free copy of your photo will be placed in the same folder as the original.


Your photos are now ready for sites like Facebook and Twitter without any worries about privacy. Enjoy!

Original article via lifehacker.

About the Author

I am a technology enthusiast who's first major computer experience was with hacking the Sony PSP. I am an Apple Dev, and I'm currently studying Computer Programming and 3D Animation.

1 comment

  1. This “windows” method, does not work…….but honestly, did anyone really expect too work?

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