Acer too has decided to join the Android bandwagon for its mobile device, as it has announced Acer Liquid. Acer Liquid comes out as the world’s first Qualcomm Snapdragon processor powered phone. Not only that Acer says that it is the first Android 1.6 based high definition smartphone, not to forget that it becomes equipped with a 5 megapixel camera.
Acer regards this phone as an ideal solution for those who want world class multimedia, browsing and social network not to forget video streaming experience.
The real beauty of this smartphone is that guarantees smooth and fast access to web browsing, multimedia streaming, provides instant response from various applications thanks mainly to the 1 Ghz Snapdragon processor.
Since it is a high definition touch screen phone, there is no denying of the fact that the video quality will be of the highest standard. Also it opens a door of possibilities for developers to build 3D graphics based applications of the highest quality.
Other notable feature of this awesome device include:
Improved power management to help achieve longer battery autonomy for intense users;
A new user interface with easy access to entertainment and web bookmarks;
An optimized camera with geo-tagging, ISO, self-timer options and accelerated auto-focus performance;
Exclusive Spinlets™ application providing free streaming of worldwide music and video, that can be shared with friends and family through web-posting or e-mail;
Smart integration of Facebook™, Twitter™, Youtube™, Picasa™ and Flickr™ in the address book, with realtime notification of status or content updates.
Acer Liquid is available in black, red and white colors. Unfortunately no word has been heard regarding the pricing of this sensational device. Do let us know what you think of this latest sensation from Acer.
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