Apple recently rolled out the first beta of iOS 14.7 to developers. The beta update allows users to set multiple timers for HomePod through the Home app, a feature previously limited to voice instructions through the iOS virtual assistant Siri. Located under HomePod alarm settings, the function includes the ability to assign timer labels, view countdowns, and cancel timers.
iOS 14.7 beta lets users set timers for HomePod through the Home app
While setting timers directly in the native Home app is a new feature, the ability to set timers on HomePod is not. Users have been able to set timers for HomePod since iOS 12. However, this should make setting multiple timers easier since instead of using Siri to set all of the timers you need, users will now be able to quickly add all of them with custom names in the Home app.
Upon launching the Home app, users with access to iOS 14.7 will now see an option to create and set a timer. The option is available right below the HomePod alarms option. When creating a timer, the app will ask the user if they want to create a designated name for it. Like the timer in the Clock app on iOS, users can set a HomePod’s timer to count down hours, minutes, and seconds. Once finished, the user can view the timer’s countdown through the app and even cancel it.
Note that the feature seems to be a work in progress as multiple text labels are missing. In addition to this, code found by 9to5Mac suggests that Apple may introduce the ability to learn about the status of HomePod using Siri on iPhone. This feature has not been implemented in beta 1 as of now.
Aside from the ability to set timers for HomePod using the Home app, iOS 14.7 does not come with any major features, which indicates that the update will likely include standard bug fixes and performance enhancements.
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