iOS 15 jailbreak “Cheyote” for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1 coming soon for iPhone and iPad

A new iOS 15 jailbreak tool called Cheyote is in the works by Odyssey Team. It will support iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1 at launch, and the team is looking to add support for iOS 15.4.1 later. This is the same team that has previously released jailbreak tools like Odyssey and Taurine for iPhone and iPad.

The team has shared a glimpse of the tool’s design in a Reddit post, as well as posted designs of Zebra 2, a brand new update to the package manager with support for improved search, a detailed installer, and an informative queue for add-ons installation. Zebra 2 is also getting a brand new iPadOS-focused user interface, which feels right at home on the iPad.

Cheyote iOS 15 jailbreak iPhone iPad

The challenge with creating an iOS 15 jailbreak can be understood from the fact that Cheyote is currently a work in progress at a time when iOS 16 is currently available as a developer and public beta. There has been no other jailbreak for iOS 15 released ever since the software update was released to the public. When released, Cheyote will be the first jailbreak for iPhone 13 series of smartphones, primarily because they released with iOS 15.

Cheyote – iOS 15 jailbreak

Here is what we have learned about “Cheyote” from the Reddit thread:

  • The jailbreak will be rootless. This means that users will not be able to modify the system partition, and some tweaks might not work as is with this jailbreak and would need updates.
  • Devices as newer as iPhone 13 Pro Max will be supported.
  • Cheyote was previously known as Taurine15 but the final name was changed.
  • You can view changelogs right from within the new Cheyote app.
  • The jailbreak tool is currently under development and making good progress. A release date has not been shared though.


Zebra 2 – package manager

Zebra 2 is not only getting a bunch of new design updates, but also new features and improvements:

  • Canonical Search: search button has been moved from the tab bar to the top of the user interface. This makes search contextual and relevant to the current section of the package manager that a user is on.
  • Flow Installer: the installer now has an updated design that shows what is currently being installed.
  • Dependency Tree in the Queue: the Queue now shows which package and dependencies belong with each other.

Check out the screenshots below for both the iPhone and iPad designs of Zebra 2:

To keep your device ready for Cheyote, avoid updating your device from iOS 15.1.1 to a newer version. Even though the developers said that they will add support for iOS 15.4.1, it is best to wait until Cheyote is released, and support is added.

Stay tuned for the latest updates!

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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