@i0n1c, the iOS developer and hacker behind untethered jailbreak exploit discovered in iOS 4.3.1 till 4.3.3 has made it clear not to expect a similar untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.4 in the coming few weeks. As Apple released iOS 4.3.4, it patched not only the PDF vulnerability exploited by @comex in JailbreakMe 3.0 for iPad 2 jailbreak but also patched @i0n1c’s untethered exploit. Even though iOS 4.3.4 can be jailbroken with latest Redsn0w on iPhone 4 / 3GS, iPod touch 3G/4G and iPad 1, it is however a tethered one.

@i0n1c tweeted the following:
In a way it is nice to see that Apple instead of merely fixing vulns add more mitigation checks. But for jailbreakers this suxx.
Don’t expect a iOS 4.3.4 untether anytime soon.
It is strongly advised to any one who is enjoying a jailbroken iOS 4.3.3 device not to upgrade to iOS 4.3.4 since there is actually nothing noticeably new in it, other than the pain of an untethered jailbreak. Also, JailbreakMe 3.0 does not work on iOS 4.3.4 meaning it simply takes away the jailbreak ability from the iPad 2. As soon as any new untethered exploit / patch hits the scene, we’ll be sure to let you know how to proceed further. Stay tuned!