At the ‘Hi, Speed’ event on October 13, Apple unveiled the new line-up for iPhone 12 consisting of two base and two pro models. The iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max variants feature a number of upgrades compared to their predecessors, iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max models like a new camera system, larger OLED displays, 5G network support and more.
However, it is observed that the new additions to the high-end models of the new flagship smartphone are not as power-efficient as their predecessors. According to Apple’s stats, the new iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max will have slightly worse battery life.
iPhone 12 Pro Battery vs iPhone 11 Pro
According to Apple, the iPhone 12 Pro can deliver 17 hours of video playback on a single charge, while the iPhone 11 Pro can last 18 hours on the same test. Something Apple forgot to mention during the launch event’s Keynote.
The battery life of the iPhone 12 Pro Max on a single charge is also less efficient than iPhone 11 Pro Max. The tech giant claims that both iPhone will deliver the same 20-hour video playback time. In terms of battery endurance, the larger version device is much recommended.
It is possible that then advanced hardware in the high-end models like the 5nm A14 Bionic chip, the most 5G bands, the new Pro Camera system, and other additions forced Apple to use a smaller capacity battery due to lack of space for a larger one.
It was reported earlier that the iPhone 12 Pro’s 2775mAh cell is smaller than the 3046mAh found in the iPhone 11 Pro. Although numerically it looks like a small difference, it does impact the playback time of the smartphone.
Furthermore, when comparing the 5.4-inch iPhone 12 mini battery life to 6.1-inch iPhone 12, they garnered 15 hours and 17 hours of video playback time respectively.
Having said that the figures are merely shared to give an approximate playback time and battery life depends on the nature of the apps in use and excessive or passive usage of the smartphone.
Starting with the launch of the iPhone 12 mini in October, the complete new line-up will launch by mid-November this year. Users will be able to pre-order their desired iPhone 12 model on
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