Jailbreak iOS 5 with SnowBreeze 2.8b4 on Windows!

With the newest release of iOS 5 Beta 3 today, RedSn0w has already been released for jailbreaking the new Beta, and now Snowbreeze is available for your jailbreaking needs.

iH8sn0w has released his latest version of Sn0wbreeze for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G & 4G, as well as iPad. The benenfit of Sn0wbreeze over Redsn0w is that Sn0wbreeze allows you to create custom firmwares as well as preserving your baseband. You will also of course need iTunes 10.5 Beta 3 to restore your new firmware.


As a reminder, iOS 5 Beta 3 is for developers only. Your phone’s UUID must be registered with Apple to bypass Activation. The reports of the App Store App’s crashing was fixed in the latest version of Redsn0w. You can find that download here. the App Store issue is however not being reported with Sn0wBreeze, so feel free to use either the newest Redsn0w or the this version of Sn0wBreeze.

Visit our page here for our How To guide and just replace the downloads with the latest versions of Sn0wbreeze and iOS 5 Beta 3. Download your copy of sn0wbreeze here.

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[via blogsdna]

About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.

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