Motorola Droid 2 Boot Animation and Live Wallpapers Leaked–Available for Download Now

The Droid 2 hype engine is running at full speed nowadays. There will be a special edition Star Wars-branded Droid 2 available which will ship with themed boot animation and live wallpapers. A forum member has already extracted the good stuff from a leaked ROM dump and put them up for download. These include a few live wallpapers and the cool boot animation showing an interactive R2-D2. Really exciting stuff for geeks.Droid 2

If you have an Android phone, you can get your hands on the goodies too.

First up, the R2-D2 Droid 2 Boot Animation

This can be downloaded from here thanks to Droid Life. Here’s how you can install it:

Instructions (rooted users):

1.  Download the file from above to your SD card.
2.  Open Root Explorer and copy the file to /data/local.
3.  Reboot your phone and enjoy your new boot animation.

Instructions (non-rooted users):

*You will need the Android SDK installed to do this.

1.  Download the file from above to your PC.
2.  Move the file into your android-sdk/tools folder.
3.  Make sure nothing is selected and hold SHIFT+right click inside your tools folder.
4.  Choose “open command window here.”
5.  Type in the following commands:

adb push /data/local
adb reboot

6.  Your phone will reboot with your new boot animation.

There’s also an audio file in the boot animation which can be enabled by copying this file to \system\media\audio\notifications on your Android device. Then go to settings and chose D2_r2d2_pu as a notification sound.

Three new Star Wars-themed Live wallpaper are available in the Droid 2 ROM which are all pretty cool. These include the Millennium Falcon Asteroid Field, Jump to Light Speed, Space Slug, and an Interactive R2D2 wallpaper. Check out the videos of these below. The download links are at the end of the post via Android Police.

Millennium Falcon Asteroid Field

Jump to Light Speed

Interactive R2D2

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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