New Windows 7 Logo is part of the Windows Flag

Matt Hamilton has made a nice observation on the new Windows 7 Logo that’s been in the news. He took the image from Windows Lounge and superimposed it onto a Windows Flag, and the results are really interesting.image_3 So, it’s not just the number 7, but also the top right corner of the Windows Flag. I’ll still wait for the official confirmation from Microsoft on the final Windows 7 Logo.

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


  1. Pingback: New Windows 7 Logo is part of the Windows Flag | ithinkdifferent | DONG'S BLOG
  2. Pingback: More on the ‘7’ in Windows 7 plus new Windows 7 Wallpapers | ithinkdifferent
  3. Pingback: More on the ‘7’ in Windows 7 plus new Windows 7 Wallpapers | Windows Seven 7
  4. Pingback: More on the ‘7’ in Windows 7 plus new Windows 7 Wallpapers | Window7s
  5. Pingback: Windows 7 Logusu Değişiyor Mu? | Docums.Net-Work

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