Pink Moon Studios announces playtest for KMON: World of Kogaea

The creators of the popular KMON franchise are hosting a community playtest for their upcoming mobile MMO, World of Kogaea. This event, titled “Assault on Poachers’ Lodge,” is a key step in developing the 3D open world before the full game launches later in 2024. Players can participate in the playtest and help shape the KMON universe.

MMORPG: World of Kogaea

Calling all adventurers! Veteran web3 gaming studio Pink Moon Studios (formerly Kryptomon) is inviting you to join the community playtest of their upcoming 3D open-world title, KMON: World of Kogaea. This exciting opportunity comes on the heels of the successful launch of their previous games, Genesis and Pink Moon.

Players will face the ultimate challenge in World of Kogaea’s dungeons, where they can delve into as-yet-unseen depths, battle epic bosses, and fight to emerge victorious. In WoK’sdungeons players will go up against a series of increasingly difficult bosses, including a variety of mobs, alongside a team of living Kryptomons. Within the dungeon, the WoK community must collaborate and strategise to upskill, complete levels and win unique loot

But your participation goes beyond just epic battles. By joining the playtest, you’ll also have a valuable say in shaping the future of KMON. Your feedback will be instrumental in helping Pink Moon Studios refine the KMON experience and create the best possible game for players.

World of Kogaea

The rewards for participating are just as exciting as the gameplay. Compete to win a slice of a massive $50,000 prize pool (paid in $KMON) by conquering dungeons and collecting raffle tickets. Daily quests also offer valuable rewards, including unique Pink Moon Shard NFTs worth up to $150!

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be a part of KMON’s exciting future. Join the playtest here and help shape a world of epic adventures!

The Trainer Hub

KMON: World of Kogaea isn’t just a game; it’s a universe, and Pink Moon Studios has built a powerful tool to help you navigate it: the Trainer Hub. This central hub acts as your one-stop shop for everything KMON, letting you seamlessly switch between Genesis, Pink Moon, and the World of Kogaea.

Need a new item or a powerful Kryptomon companion? The Trainer Hub marketplace allows you to buy, sell, and trade freely with other players. Got a young Kryptomon with potential? The hub lets you nurture your companions, evolving them from hatchlings to formidable adults. But the Trainer Hub doesn’t stop there. You can also level up your items in the crafting shop, making your gear even more effective. And for the truly dedicated trainers, the hub allows you to breed new Kryptomons, expanding your team and contributing to the overall ecosystem of the game.

According to Brian Bento, Chief Product Officer and SVP Development at Pink Moon Studios:

At the heart of our MMO’s seamless multiplayer experience is what we call ‘networking magic,’ a powerful technology inspired by diverse fields from missile defence to medical imaging. Our algorithms utilize advanced 3D spatial hashmaps for data synchronization, ensuring a seamless, zero-lag multiplayer experience even with a high number of users online simultaneously. The concept is visualized as a giant cube made up of smaller Rubik’s cubes, where each player is at the center of their cube. The game’s algorithms dynamically sync data based on the proximity of other players within these cubes. As players move away from the center, data is synchronized less frequently, optimizing performance and scalability.  This innovative approach ensures that our players’ experiences are smooth and immersive, no matter the scale of action around them, which they can trial in this playtest

Check out the trailer below:

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