PlayStation 3 Dual Boot GameOS / OtherOS Firmware [Download CFW + Install VIDEO]

Developer Geoffrey Levand has just released a dual boot custom firmware which lets you either boot into GameOS or OtherOS. This has actually brought back what Sony once took away and what started the whole Sony vs Geohot war in the first place. This Dual Boot GameOS / Linux CFW is however, a lot more than Sony’s OtherOS. You get full access to GameOS from OtherOS as well as ability to downgrade without service mode among other features.

PlayStation 3 Dual Boot GameOS / OtherOS Firmware [Download CFW + Install VIDEO]

*Disclaimer*: iTD is not responsible for anything that happens to your device while following this guide. Those who do so do it at their own risk.

Here are the download links to Dual Boot custom firmwares:

Download PS3 Dual Boot GameOS/Linux CFW 3.41

Download PS3 Dual Boot GameOS/Linux CFW 3.50

Download PS3 Dual Boot GameOS/Linux CFW 3.55

Note: Currently to start OtherOS, first boot_otheros.pkg then reboot.pkg which will load “petitboot”. Slim users (Version 1.0-r0) must unload the slim usb drivers in order to boot.

**Source code for all tools and patches is freely available here so you can create your own dual boot firmware.

**Tested 3.41 and 3.55 on PS3 Slim with Gentoo and Debian Squeeze but should work on PS3 Fat without problems

Installing OtherOS bootloader

(Tested ONLY on PS3 models with VFLASH. This method is recommended for more advanced users until more user friendly guides are released.)

1. During deleting of VFLASH regions GameOS will ask you to reinstall firmware, don’t do it, just press PS3 button and continue

2. I use petitboot as OtherOS bootloader. You could use a different one.

3. The following order of steps is important

4. Use Delete VFLASH region 6

5. Use Delete VFLASH region 5

6. Use Create VFLASH region 5

7. Use Create VFLASH region 6

8. Install OtherOS bootloader on VFLASH with “Install OtherOS”

Booting OtherOS bootloader

1. Use “Boot OtherOS”

2. Reboot GameOS with “Reboot”

Creating a VFLASH partition for Linux

(Note: Works ONLY on PS3 models with VFLASH. All your HDD data will be lost, so make a backup!)

1. Install Resize VFLASH (creates a 40GB free space on VFLASH, if you need more then feel free to recompile it)

2. Reboot GameOS with “Reboot”

3. Use Create VFLASH region 7

Installing Linux with petitboot

Installing Gentoo GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System

Partitioning with fdisk


I used petitboot to install Debian and Gentoo on VFLASH

I used fdisk to partition ps3vflashh

Make sure you create a swap partition

Creating a ready to use Linux distribution images is a work in progress

Booting Linux with petitboot


USB driver in petitboot has problems on PS3 Slim. The problem lies in Linux USB driver.

Currently i’m trying to fix this problem in Linux kernel

I temporarily use my script to boot a Linux installed on VFLASH from petitboot

Learn more >> Project Homepage:

DISCLAIMER: The above post is for educational purposes only! ithinkDifferent does not condone piracy or hacking in any form. It is a violation of the Terms of Service and in some cases be considered illegal.

About the Author

I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in Diagnostic Radiology. I'm crazy about Formula 1, all sorts of gadgets, surfing, console gaming, movies, music & I simply LOVE high-end designer wear! Follow me on Twitter @DrUsmanQ

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