Russian authorities ban iPhones amid escalating espionage concerns

Russian authorities have recently taken an aggressive stance against Apple, banning thousands of officials and state employees from using iPhones and other Apple products.

This move is part of an intensified crackdown on the American tech company due to espionage concerns. The ban, which includes leading ministries and institutions, reflects growing worries in the Kremlin and the Federal Security Service about increased spying efforts by US intelligence agencies targeting Russian state institutions.

iPhone 14 Pro Max

Examining the challenges for iPhones in Russia

The Russian trade ministry, digital development ministry, and state-owned company Rostec have all announced or implemented bans on iPhones and other Apple devices for work purposes. Security officials within ministries, particularly those employed by the Federal Security Service, have declared iPhones unsafe and have urged the exploration of alternative options. The ban aligns with Moscow’s long-standing desire to replace foreign technology with domestically developed software in critical information infrastructure by 2025.

While the ban aims to address concerns over potential wiretapping and unauthorized access to sensitive information, skeptics argue that it may do little to alleviate suspicions of foreign intelligence agencies infiltrating Russian government activities. Some analysts believe that officials’ worry about American surveillance capabilities is genuine, while others suggest that the ban stems from the personal preferences of certain officials who favor iPhones despite security concerns. Similar bans are reportedly being enforced or planned in the finance and energy ministries and other official bodies.

The ban encompasses all work-related activities on Apple devices, including email correspondence. Ministries have established controls to monitor the use of work email on iPhones, making it easier to track violations. Personal use of Apple devices is still allowed, although inconvenient for officials who now need to carry an additional phone or tablet.

Doubts persist as to whether officials will fully transition to devices running the rudimentary Russian-made Aurora operating system. Previous restrictions on using uncertified devices for work purposes were often disregarded, raising questions about compliance with the new ban. It remains to be seen whether this recent action will result in a more permanent shift in device preferences among Russian officials.

The Russian authorities’ actions against Apple began after the Federal Security Service announced the discovery of a spying operation by US intelligence agencies using Apple devices. The FSB claimed that thousands of iPhones, including those with Russian SIM cards and those registered with Moscow diplomatic missions, were infected with monitoring software, suggesting Apple’s collaboration with the US National Security Agency. Apple vehemently denied the allegations, asserting that it has never cooperated with any government to create backdoors in its products.

(via the Financial Times)

About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.

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