Wouldn’t it be cool to set your own phrases to be read to you for notifications on your iPhone? This jailbreak tweak lets you do exactly that. Developer Tyler Nettleton (aka InfectionFX) has just submitted a brand new tweak to the Cydia store called Voice Notifications. It allows you to have your iPhone say just about anything as a notification for Text messages or Phone calls. You can configure all your clever sayings right from the iPhone’s settings menu. In future updates, Voice Notifications will also support contacts black listing and custom sayings for those special ones!

How it works is that you have to types in the message saying, not record it, and using a text to speech engine, your iPhone will read it out when the notification arrives. Of course, to install it, you need a jailbroken iPhone, with Cydia installed. Voice Notifications can be bought and downloaded from Cydia for just $0.99 via the BigBoss repo. Once installed, all options can be configured from iPhone’s Settings app while now new icons will be visible on the homescreen.
Not everyone would want this feature but If you want such functionality on your iPhone, we highly recommend this tweak.
NOTE: Not compatible with iPhone 3G or older devices. Needs jailbroken iOS 4.0+ to work!