Apple Music offers animated ‘Now Playing’ covers in iOS 17

Apple’s latest update for iPhone, iOS 17, is slated to be released to the general public in September. The update adds a bunch of exciting new features to Apple Music that elevate the overall experience of the music service. One of those features, that was overlooked in the official announcement of the software update, is animated “Now Playing,” covers for select songs.

Apple Music

Apple Music in iOS 17 offers some hidden gems such as stunning animated covers that are unique to every song

Though animated “Now Playing” covers were not highlighted in Apple’s official iOS 17 announcement, it’s a stellar feature for Apple Music users. Countless tweets and Reddit posts call attention to how excited users are for animated covers.

Check out some animated covers in action:

The best part of Apple Music’s animated covers is how unique each cover is. The tech giant does not repeatedly use the same animation for every song/album. As you can see in the clips below, covers with illustrations are animated differently than covers that may show scenery or people:

iOS 17 animated covers in "Now Playing"
by u/elvinLA in AppleMusic

Apple Music in iOS 17 also offers cross-fade transitions, a feature that has been available on the Android version of the app and in iTunes on desktop. The cross-fade feature addresses a common concern among music enthusiasts – the abrupt transition between songs in playlists.

With the cross-fade feature enabled, iOS 17 users will enjoy a seamless flow of music as tracks transition smoothly. Rather than an immediate switch from one song to the next, listeners will experience a gradual fade-out of the current track as the upcoming track gently fades in. This subtle yet impactful enhancement promises to elevate playlists and provide a more immersive listening experience for Apple Music subscribers.

Apple Music

The implementation of the cross-fade functionality is simple. Once users update to iOS 17, accessing the feature is a matter of navigating to Settings > Music > Cross-fade and toggling the corresponding option. Apple ensures that users are aware of the new addition by presenting a notification upon launching the Music app for the first time after the iOS 17 upgrade.

In conclusion, the tech giant’s commitment to continuously work on improving its services and the overall user experience is evident in this latest addition to the Apple Music app. Note that iOS 17 is currently in the final stages of public beta with the official release scheduled for this fall. 

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About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.

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