Apple now owns the domain

With WWDC coming up next week, and other rumors surrounding Apple’s new cloud music service, it seems the rumors may very well be true. Apple has recently bought the domain name in preperation for it’s new cloud music service. Apple has also recently been busy signing music labels to it’s service for licensing agreements.

Apple has confirmed that Steve Jobs will be giving the Keynote at WWDC and will be introducing iOS 5, Mac OSX Lion and iCloud at it’s conference. There is also rumor that Apple will give a discount or even free iCloud services to OSX users who upgrade to Lion. Let’s hope that’s true, because I will be downloading Lion the moment it comes out.

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About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.

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  1. Pingback: iCloud Sued By iCloud Communications Over Trademark Infringement! | Freak Mac

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