Apple joins forces with Pixar and more for AR innovation

Apple has exciting news for the tech and creative communities as it announces a strategic partnership with industry giants Pixar, Adobe, Autodesk, NVIDIA, and Linux to promote and develop Pixar’s groundbreaking 3D Universal Scene Description technology, or OpenUSD.

Apple Pixar OpenUSD

Apple collaborates with industry giants to boost Pixar’s 3D Universal Scene Description technology

OpenUSD was originally created by Pixar Animation Studios and has quickly gained acclaim for its ability to enhance interoperability among tools, data, and workflows in the 3D scene depiction space. The technology streamlines cinematic content creation, making it more efficient and accessible to artists and developers alike.

Mike Rockwell, Apple’s vice president of the Vision Products Group, expressed his enthusiasm for this collaboration with Pixar and the potential it holds for the future of augmented reality (AR) experiences. He believes that OpenUSD will play a key role in accelerating the next generation of AR, from the creative process to content delivery, ultimately leading to a broader range of spatial computing applications.

“OpenUSD will help accelerate the next generation of AR experiences, from artistic creation to content delivery, and produce an ever-widening array of spatial computing applications,” said Mike Rockwell, Apple’s vice president of the Vision Products Group. “Apple has been an active contributor to the development of USD, and it is an essential technology for the groundbreaking visionOS platform, as well as the new Reality Composer Pro developer tool. We look forward to fostering its growth into a broadly adopted standard.”

Apple’s involvement in the development of OpenUSD has been significant. The tech giant has actively contributed to the evolution of this technology, recognizing its significance for the groundbreaking visionOS platform and the new Reality Composer Pro developer tool. This commitment emphasizes Apple’s dedication to advancing spatial computing and pushing the boundaries of what AR can offer.

The newly formed Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD) aims to further enhance the capabilities of OpenUSD while promoting seamless 3D tool and data interoperability. The alliance will focus on creating detailed specifications that define the features of OpenUSD and will work towards widespread adoption, integration, and implementation of the technology.

As Apple and its partners continue to collaborate under the AOUSD banner, we can expect to see exciting advancements in the AR space. By fostering OpenUSD’s growth as a widely adopted standard, this alliance is set to shape the future of 3D content creation and spatial computing applications.

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About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.

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