CourseSmart iPad app provides 90% core textbooks on your iPad

CourseSmart, a company that provides e-textbooks to college students on various digital platforms, is now available for the iPad. E-textbooks via CourseSmart were already available for your PC and iPhone, it only makes sense that they are now available for the iPad as well. coursesmart

The app is free and lets you view textbooks on a bigger screen (as compared to your iPhone) and in a more convenient way (as compared to your PC). This app should add convenience to students owning iPads who don’t want to carry around a ton of books.


The app allows easy navigation through the books and includes a bookshelf that lets you view all your books in one place. The best part so far is that it also lets you add notes to your books and lets you navigate through those notes easily.

CourseSmart claims to be the best in e-textbooks and digital study materials and features textbooks by leading publishers like Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group and Elsevier.

Download CourseSmart for iPad

[Via CrunchGear]

About the Author

Final year dental student. Wanna be blogger. Apparent geek.

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