The Dark Sky weather app has been updated to version 6.8.5. Apple has introduced new an extra-large Apple Watch face complication, location search improvements, a new location icon, bug fixes, and more in the latest update.
In March, Apple acquired the Dark Sky app and began integrating it into the new iOS 14 and shut down its Android version. The app is designed to show the real-time minute-by-minute hyperlocal weather forecast. Recently, support for extreme weather events like thunderstorms, flooding, hurricanes, and their upcoming shifts. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.
Apple updates the Dark Sky Weather App
Here are the release notes:
- Adds the extra large watch complication with watchOS 7
- Improves location search with more suggested and relevant results
- Adds a new location icon to indicate when Precise Location is disabled
- Fixes an issue that could cause a duplicate forecast page after moving it from Recent Searches to Saved
- Includes stability and performance improvements
The Dark Sky app also offers aesthetically pleasing radar animations like the path of the storm, its movements and direction. The weather app’s advanced notifications send up-to-the-minute alerts for local and severe events, for example, an alert before it starts raining at a specific location. Users can also create their own custom notification for daily weather conditions like wind, temperature, rain and others.
For iOS 14, the app also offers the Dark Sky widget which displays the weather changes in the next hour, day and next week at a glance on the Lock Screen. The accompanying Apple Watch app of Dark Sky allows users to check their outdoor conditions before stepping out or planning the day’s activities without having to pull their iPhones out.
The Dark Sky is currently available in the United States, UK and Ireland and can be downloaded from the App Store for $3.99. It is compatible with iOS 11.0 and watchOS 4.0 or later.
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