While Apple TV 2G users are having all the AirPlay fun, Remote HD brings the same joy to Apple TV 1G owners too. The app has been developed by App Dynamic and is available as a universal binary for both iPhone and iPad selling in the AppStore for $3.99. Remote HD brings AirPlay video streaming to the original Apple TV when it is installed on it using the Install Extras menu. Once you download Remote HD on your iPhone or iPad too, you’ll be be able to stream videos, Youtube, Photos and podcasts straight to your Apple TV 1G in no time.
To better the experience even more, if your iPhone or iPad is jailbroken on iOS 4.2.1 and has AirVideo Enabler for 3rd party apps installed, you can stream virtually any content to your original Apple TV.
Here is the official iTunes description for Remote HD with screenshots:
Remote HD is the easiest and the most feature packed remote in the App Store. This VNC / Remote hybrid will allow you to fully control your Mac, PC and AppleTV from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad over WiFi/3G/EDGE or GPRS.
• Live audio steaming from your computer
• Retina optimized live display of your computer / AppleTV
• Apple Remote like multimedia remote
• Wireless Keyboard
• Multi-Touch Trackpad
• Wireless Mouse
• Gesture Pad (iOS 4.0+)
• Added setting to enable Retina optimized RemoteView
• Audio streaming from computer to AirPlay enabled devices
• Trackpad issues on Windows fixed
• In-app settings crash fixed
• Hardware buttons now control remote volume again
• iOS 4.2.1 compatibility

Download Remote HD For iPhone / iPad (Direct Link)
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[via MacStories]