Fewer Android users interested in switching to iPhone 13 compared to interest in iPhone 12 last year

Interesting among Android users looking to switch to the upcoming iPhone 13 smartphones is significantly lower compared to last year when iPhone 12 was about to release. As per a survey, users are hesitant to switch due to missing fingerprint scanning functionality in flagship iPhones, as well as the recently announced CSAM detection, which has put many users off due to privacy concerns.

iPhone 13

Lack of fingerprint sensor is the biggest issue for Android users who don’t want to switch to iPhone 13

As per a survey conducted by SellCell, only 18% of Android users are considering upgrading to iPhone 13, compared to 33% last year before iPhone 12 launch. The survey had 5,000 participants from the United States, all Android users and ages 18 or above.

Other results from the survey show that 39.8% of users are interested in buying an iPhone 13 Pro Max, which would not only have the largest screen but also the largest battery as well as the complete feature set amongst the new line-up. On the other hand, 36.1% of users are interested in iPhone 13, 19.5% in iPhone 13 Pro, and only 4.6% in iPhone 13 mini. User response to iPhone 12 mini has confirmed that there is not a lot of demand for the 5.4-inch model.

The topmost reasons that Android users have shared to switch to iPhone 13 are:

  • Longer software support
  • Apple ecosystem integration
  • Better privacy
  • Better prices

While users who are not interested in switching to iPhone 13 shared the following reasons:

  • Lack of fingerprint scanner (in a time and age when people have to wear masks, a fingerprint scanner is a no-brainer)
  • Limited customization
  • Restrictions on sideloading
  • “Android phones have better hardware”
  • CSAM (10.4% users said this)

Although Apple is expecting to ship more iPhone 13 units than iPhone 12, the survey shows lower interest from switchers. It might be possible that users would want to wait and see what Apple announces, but from what we know so far, Apple has a number of new features up its sleeve, ready to announce for iPhone 13: a smaller notch, LTPO OLED always-on display, larger batteries, improved camera system, and more.

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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