Earlier today, Apple dropped iOS 5 Beta 4 with OTA updates to the developers. Unluckily, for those with jailbroken iPhones on iOS 5 Beta 3, this simply won’t work as confirmed by @MuscleNerd himself in a recent tweet.
He said:
“The 5.0b4 OTA update won’t work on JB devices due to an explicit check of /Applications..almost like a present from Apple”
Fortunately, you can still download iOS 5 Beta 4 firmware from your Apple developer account and restore it on your device using the same old iTunes way. Meanwhile, MuscleNerd has just tweeted that Redsn0w 0.9.8b4 has been released which can jailbreak beta 4 of iOS 5 on iPhone 4 / 3GS, iPad & iPod Touch.
Simply follow these steps to jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 4 on your iPhone 4 / 3GS, iPad & iPod Touch using Redsn0w 0.9.8b4:
*Disclaimer*: iTD is not responsible for any damage caused to your device while following this guide. Those who follow our steps do so at their own risk.
*Note*: Be sure to back up your device before you begin via iTunes. Those relying on an Ultrasn0w unlock should not use this jailbreak.
Step 1:
Download Redsn0w 0.9.8b4 for Mac here and Windows here. Download and update your iOS device to iOS 5 beta 4 through your developer’s account.
Step 2:
Run Redsn0w. Click on Browse and choose the iOS 5 beta 4 firmware file that corresponds to your device. Click Next after your ipsw is identified.
Step 3:
Make sure that Install Cydia is checked (should be by default) and click Next.
Step 4:
Make sure your device is plugged in and powered off. Boot it into DFU mode using the following steps.
- Hold the Power button for 3 seconds
- Hold the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds
- Release the Power button but keep holding the Home button for 10 seconds
- Your device will now be in DFU mode
Step 5:
Once in DFU mode, let Redsn0w do its thing. When your device reboots it will be jailbroken on iOS 5 beta 4.
**NOTE: Since this is a tethered jailbreak, you need to connect your device to your computer and run Redsn0w each time you reboot your device. Simply select “Just boot tethered right now” option and that’s it. Your device will then boot into jailbroken state.