How to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3GS firmware by downgrading it from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2

A lot of users upgraded their iPhone 3GS firmware from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 without knowing the consequences. So, if you want to jailbreak and unlock it using blackra1n, you’ll have to downgrade to 3.1.2 but the modem firmware will still be 05.12.01. Remember, before trying this out, back up your data. If you end up bricking your iPhone, I won’t be responsible for it. ( Credit for this guide goes to Cliff who sent it in! )

  1. Uninstall iTunes 9.0.3 to from your computer. Remember to back up your data, and rename the iTunes library folder to something else.
  2. Download and install iTunes 8.2.1. Download 3.1.2 firmware to your computer. ( links at the end of this post ).
  3. Connect your phone to the computer and hold shift and click restore in iTunes. Select the 3.1.2 firmware file.
  4. The restore might get stuck and you’ll get an error 1015 message.
  5. Ignore it and reboot your iPhone using the power + home buttons.
  6. You’ll now see the USB and iTunes logo on the iPhone display. This means that firmware 3.1.2 is installed. But right now, the phone is stuck in a DFU loop.
  7. To fix this, you’ll need to use iRecovery.
  8. Once you’re out of the DFU loop, iTunes will ask you to sync with the old backup. We suggest you avoid that and opt to set up a new phone. iTunes will reactivate your iPhone.
  9. Follow our guide on how to jailbreak iPhone 3GS with OS 3.1.2 with blackra1n RC3.
  10. You can now unlock your iPhone using blackra1n RC3. Follow this guide for instructions.

If you are running into issues, follow this guide to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS.

If you are using iPhone 2G, 3G, iPod Touch 1G or 2G ( non-MC models) follow this guide to jailbreak OS 3.1.3 with redsn0w.

Download iTunes 8.2.1 (32 bit)

Download iTunes 8.2.1 (64 bit)

Download iPhone 3GS OS 3.1.2

Update: Use this guide to jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS with OS 3.1.3/3.1.2 untethered! ( no unlock yet, though)

Note: This method doesn’t work anymore. follow this guide to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS.

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


    For me, it didn’t work. Said that the iPhone wasn’t able to because of something wrong with the build…

    1. You are on 3gs, angelz.sin?
      If there is an error message (it should tell you the error number at the end… if it is error 1015 – then you have got the 3.1.2. firmware installed already, but you are stuck in the DFU mode, follow the iRecovery link posted on step 7 to get past that, and you are good to go.

      old itunes (version 8.0.x) might not detect the phone, it might think the phone is an ipod or whatever,

      version 8.2.1 works – make sure you install the correct version

      1. it doesnt show an error 1015..all it says is that it ‘cannot be restored..not eligible for this build’
        any solution to that?
        i need to jailbreak my 3gs 3.1.3!!!!

        1. I have the same problem: “Thgis device isn’t eligible for the requested build”
          Hope someone might have a solution soon ;-)
          thx in advance :-)

  2. I’m fking whole day with this… today I accidentally got upgraded my firmware, now unable to downgrade and unlock :(

  3. I get told that iPhone (iPhone) could not be restored. This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.

    1. hey jeff.. it works.. when you install the 8.2. version and if you have windows 7 go to start and in search box type in itunes library.atl when you find that file delete it and the 8.2 version will work.. hope it’ll work for you my friend…

  4. it doesnt show an error 1015..all it says is that it ‘cannot be restored..not eligible for this build’
    any solution to that?
    i need to jailbreak my 3gs 3.1.3!!!!

  5. it doesnt show an error 1015..all it says is that it ‘cannot be restored..not eligible for this build’
    any solution to that?
    i need to jailbreak my 3gs 3.1.3!!!!

  6. Cliff … where ever you are in the world … I LOVE YOU. This worked like a charm. *Hugs Cliff*

  7. Cliff … where ever you are in the world … I LOVE YOU. This worked like a charm. *Hugs Cliff*

  8. Cliff … where ever you are in the world … I LOVE YOU. This worked like a charm. *Hugs Cliff*

  9. I’m getting the same build error as everyone else….it seems none of these downgrades are working….wish I bought my phone a week ago….instead I bought it yesterday…

  10. I’m getting the same build error as everyone else….it seems none of these downgrades are working….wish I bought my phone a week ago….instead I bought it yesterday…

  11. I’m getting the same build error as everyone else….it seems none of these downgrades are working….wish I bought my phone a week ago….instead I bought it yesterday…


    1. Hey, you guys that it worked for. Can you advise how old your iphones are, if they were previously JB’d, what OS / FW / BOOT you were / ARE running
      Cant figure whats making some work and some not


    1. Hey, you guys that it worked for. Can you advise how old your iphones are, if they were previously JB’d, what OS / FW / BOOT you were / ARE running
      Cant figure whats making some work and some not

  14. Looks like if your 3GS is new out of the box, it can be downgraded to 3.1.2 BUT cannot be jailbroken. Unless you have a 3GS that was previously jailbroken you wont be able to jailbreak the 3.1.3 version even if you manage to get it downgraded to 3.1.2

    That seems to be the consensus thus far. Also GeoHot reckons it wont happen

  15. my 3gs was JB until i updated it to 3.1.3 when the “great” update came out. now i’m stuck with it, i’ve tried a couple different ways today and 3.1.3 is still trapped on my phone. if anyone has tips or suggestions plz help me.

  16. my iphone 3gs was JB’ed , but unfortunately I upgraded to 3.1.3 , I am also stuck at the same point “This device isn’t eligible for the requested build”

  17. Rock screwed my 3GS, it changed my ssh password? while on 3,1,2 then while I was busy sorting it, it rebooted got stuck at Apple logo, so tried to restore but itunes wouldn’t let me go back to 3,1,2 so I’m on 3,1,3 and to top it off my itunes account has been disabled???
    Apple b@stards.

  18. On a later model 3GS (one that only has a “tethered jailbreak”) I too am getting the ‘not eligible’ error despite following these instructions.

    It’s odd, makes one wonder if going back to an even older version of iTunes would help?

    Fortunately my phone is still jailbroken and unlocked at this point but it definitely majorly suxxors to not be able to restore to 3.1.2 (I’ve not got a 3.1.2 SHSH file saved unfortunately).

    -3.1.2 Restore Incapable iPhone Owner

  19. Please help! I got the same error message “could not be restored. The device is not eligible for the requested build.

  20. i have the same prob with my 3gs …i called many people to help me resolve this prob but they all told me that it’s not possible yet….so i met a guy in downtown who told me i can do it …i gave it to him and he told me it will be ready tomorrow morning….hope he will success…if yes i will give you his phone adress…THKS

  21. no its not working
    i uninstall the new version and i install the old version iTunes it not supporting

  22. IT’s no longer eligible for the build because Apple stopped signing the release yesterday. Sorry guys, THIS, no longer works. Apple is no longer signing 3.1.2

  23. When holding Shift, I don’t get the option to restore it to firmware 3.1.2 even though I’v downloaded it onto my computer.
    How does this box come up?
    I’m on a PC running Windows Vista
    & have an Iphone 3GS

    Please advise for the people who it worked for.

  24. What bothers me the most is all the money I spent on Rock and Sydia! I wonder if and when I’m able to JB with BR if I can get all that back???

  25. Downgrade iPhone 3GS OS 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 I receive an error message like (The iPhone could not br restore. This device isn’t eligible for requested build.) I need Help

  26. Downgrade work for me.
    Follow the process above and delete all files related to itune 9.0.3 and install itunes 8.0.3. That’s all

    1. you mean to say you have 3.1.3 version and baseband 05.12.01, and you manage to downgrade it to 3.1.2 version and you jailbreak and unlock your iphone 3gs, just following the process above tell me its right!!!let me know

  27. This does not work at all. If anyone wants to JB their iPhone, I suggest waiting for Geohot to come up with something. It might take awhile, I guess we all have to have patience. My phone never got a 1015 message, all it says is that build is not eligible. I give up. I guess I have to wait like everyone elst. My jb 3gs is not jb anymore.

  28. As it says all the way on the top: “Note: This method doesn’t work anymore.”

    People like me with 3GS and baseband 05.12.01 will indeed have to wait for something to come up that will work. For now, there’s no option but to wait…unfortunately.

  29. As it says all the way on the top: “Note: This method doesn’t work anymore.”

    People like me with 3GS and baseband 05.12.01 will indeed have to wait for something to come up that will work. For now, there’s no option but to wait…unfortunately.

  30. hi i need help . can i downgrde my modem firmware from FW 05.12.01 to FW 05.11.07 or unlock it (FW 05.12.01) .thanks

  31. I got my iPhone 3GS downgraded to 3.1.2 with the baseband of 5.12.01 and after restore cydia is there again but it will not open. What happened???

  32. I downloaded the file, but it saves as a .rar, so iTunes doesn’t even show it as a folder when i go to restore it, how can i fix this? please. I’m dying without my phone.. :(

    1. You need to download the ipsw using firefox, don’t use safari, because safari automatically tries to unpack the ipsw. You need to keep the file intact as ipsw. Firefox will preserve the downloaded file. Hope this helps

  33. Hi,

    I try it but its does not work. Apple remove the support of downgrading from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2. Its useless to try this thing in order to waste your time. You all have to wait………..

  34. it works.. when you install the 8.2. version and if you have windows 7 go to start and in search box type in itunes library.atl when you find that file delete it and the 8.2 version will work.. hope it’ll work for you my friend…

    1. It still does not work for me, it said itune file can’t be read because it was created by the new one

  35. so is there still no hope for fresh out of the box 3gs 3.1.2 users that upgraded to 3.1.3 never jailbroken? thanks

  36. @hackaroto

    I’m facing quite similar problem, but my 3gs is still on 3.1.2. I’ve installed something on cydia previously (if i’m not mistaken it was winterboard). Then my 3gs asks me to reboot. So I did, thought that I can just run blackra1n again to return back to normal. but instead this time I’m facing the recovery mode loop. I’ve tried your method, tried to restore it to 3.1.2 but it didn’t work. something with i’m not eligible blah blah..but then I guess that I’m still on 3.1.2, so I don’t have to restore it again. just proceed to step 4. and it didn’t work.

    So I suspect yours is working maybe because you have an old iboot (359.3) but I have a new one (359.3.2) although i’m not sure if this is the case. so do you mind telling me what iboot is yours??? hope you can help me on this! I’ve tried SO MANY WAYSSSS but still dead end!

  37. Hi Guys …just want to say thanks to hackaroto for great post that solved my problem !
    I have a Iphone 3gs mc model ; been jailbreken with 3.1.2 with blakra1n , but there was a problem ( the size of “other” was about 11 gb) so my phone do not even start i had to restore to 3.1.3
    But now thanks to the post of hackaroto i have cydia again

  38. Help!!!! I accidentally upgraded my iphone 3GS to version 3.1.3. I’ve follow the steps and i got error 1600. Please help!!!!!

  39. Jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3GS ( Note: This method doesn’t work anymore ) you risk killing ur iphone MC model..

  40. Hi,

    Is the 3.1.3 firmware been jailbreak yet for the Iphone 3GS? Or are we still stuck in 3.1.3

  41. If anyone knows what they are talking about get this, I have a iPhone 3GS I was at 3.1.2 fully jailbroken, also had the previous version of itunes before this fuc%ed up 9.1 sh!t came out. Anyways my comp crashed, had to do full restore. so I downloaded itunes (the 9.1) and pluged my phone in and I still dont know why but managed to restore my phone with the 3.1.3 (my modem firmware is 05.12.01)
    can this be fixed???????????

  42. how can i use T-MOBIL in iphone 3gs mc model 3.1.3?
    i been using t-mobil before on 3.1.2 but i had to upgrade my phone to apple setting for some reason, now i cannt use t-mobil sim.
    is there any way to use t-mobil’s sim again?

  43. Any new information about when will we be able to unlock this 3.1.3 Iphone 3gs with Firmware of 5.12 please ?
    Any info will be helpfull , thanks

  44. I tried many times and I just get a message that says that my device isn’t compatible with the requested version.

    Any idea on how to get error 1015?

  45. Hey,
    it is really easy to downgrade an iPhone from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2…

    There are a few things you have to Download before you start:
    -iPhone Firmware 3.1.2
    -Blackra1n (if you wanna jailbreak your iPhone)

    The first thing you have to do is to change a file in windows.
    It is the file hosts. You can find that file here:
    you have to open that file as admin.
    In that file you have to go under the last line n add this:

    If you have changed that restart your Computer.

    After the restart you can open iTunes n then you put your iPhone into DFU-mode. (hold power+home for 10 seconds n then hold only home for 10 seconds)

    Then you have to hold the shift button and press restore in iTunes…the you have to choose your downloaded firmware 3.1.2

    iTunes will restore your iPhone then…after you have done that you will get a message that it didn't work. (1015 code)
    But this is Normal!

    Now you have to install libusb…when it's done open lib usb and then run cmd from windows.

    put irecovery on the desktop n then do that:
    You will see there c:/Users/yourname>

    You have to add this:
    cd desktop
    irecovery -s
    setenv auto-boot true

    After that your iPhone will come out of recovery mode n it is done!

    You can now (if you iPhone is activated then) jailbreak your iPhone with blackra1n

  46. Thank you very very much david. I have spent ages trying to downgrade the firmware to 3.1.2 and your method was the only one that worked :)

  47. 1- when i try to give the version 3.1.2 it tells me that its a not compatibe.
    2- the iRecovery worked well to recover it basck from safe or DFU mode

  48. hi david,

    please help, after adding irecovery -s in cmd, it says Got USB No iphone/ipod found, i'm trying to downgrade an iphone 3GS 4.0.1,

    Thank you

    1. You need to be in recovery mode, then do the iRecovery step and it will run. You can enter recovery mode manually or by using RecBoot for example. However, at step 8, iTunes is not asking anything else but to restore the iPhone again, so it’s this loop that I need to get out of now.

    Tried to break my 3Gs using snOwbreeze and something went wrong, whiped everything! Wont even restore any itunes software ahhhhhh!

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