For the past few years, Samsung has been working on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The tech company introduced various smartphone-based Gear VR headsets but ended the project a few years ago. Now, according to a leaked concept video show that Samsung is working on AR Glasses to compete with Apple’s rumored AR headset.
The concept video leaked on Twitter shows two different headsets designed by the company: Samsung Glasses Lite and AR Glasses. Samsung AR Glasses feature the ability to display interactive 3D environments and objects and Samsung Glasses Lite presents the illusion of a 2D display in front of the user.
Concept Samsung AR Glasses have 3D and 2D variants
Published by WalkingCat, the video shows how Samsung’s AR Glasses could look like and what kind of features they could offer. Samsung Glasses Lite could project a virtual screen in front of the user’s vision so that they can play games, make calls, enjoy movies, use auto-dimming “Sunglasses Mode”, or act as an instant first-person-view screen for DJI drone with complete telemetry.
The glasses could also feature Dex Mode that allows users to be productive without a requirement for a computer or monitor. The glasses do not appear to be responsive to gestures, instead, they rely on a Samsung smartwatch for controls.
R&D Vision Concept ?
— WalkingCat (@_h0x0d_) February 21, 2021
and….. this is the 3D holographic version
— WalkingCat (@_h0x0d_) February 21, 2021
The second video presents the “Samsung AR Glasses” concept which would show the user 3D digital objects in the real world. Users could interact with the 3D objects and as the video shows, plan architecture through the AR Glasses. Unlike Glasses Lite, AR Glasses seem to be responsive to hand and arm gestures and appear to be a capable, high-end AR product as compared to Microsoft’s HoloLens.
In the concept video, for AR Glasses, it is shown that can be controlled via a Galaxy smartwatch instead of using mid-air gestures with hands or arms or various taps. Apple and Facebook are also rumored to be working on AR glasses/headsets. Facebook is rumored to be working on an Android-based smartwatch, while Apple already has a smartwatch lineup.
Only time will tell whether Samsung will turn these concepts into actual products. Recently Samsung beat Apple’s rumored AirTagss to launch with its SmartTags item trackers, so it may be possible that the South Korean tech giant is looking to do the same with AR Glasses.
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