Massachusetts man swallows one of his AirPods while sleeping, reveals x-ray

Losing AirPods can be a big concern for some of you since they can get misplaced quite easily. That’s exactly what happened to a Massachusetts man by the name of Bradford Gauthier who went to bed one night and woke up with pain in the middle of his chest and a missing AirPod.

After shoveling snow for two hours on Monday night, Gauthier put his AirPods in to listen to some music and headed for bed. He woke up the following morning with some mild discomfort in his chest and had to rush to the emergency room.


Man swallows one of his AirPods whilst sleeping & does not realize it

Bradford Gauthier woke up Tuesday morning and felt a little trouble swallowing. He simply attributed it to a dry throat and went about his day. The next morning, Gauthier tried to take a drink from a glass of water but he could not – at the same time, he noticed that one of his AirPods had gone missing.Man swallows AirPod whilst sleeping & does not realize it

Gauthier says he slept with his AirPods in his ears “almost every day” so he would not disturb his sleeping children. His family joked that he might have swallowed the device, but the idea seemed “too coincidental” to be true.

“They brought it up jokingly at first, but it seemed too coincidental that I would be missing it when I knew I went to bed with it, while I felt a distinct blockage in the center of my chest”

On a trip to the emergency room, a doctor took an x-ray and found the missing AirPod lodged in Gauthier’s lower esophagus. At the hospital, health professionals performed an emergency endoscopy to remove the device and sent Gauthier home with a clean bill of health. Man swallows AirPod whilst sleeping & does not realize it

“The GI physician said it’s extremely uncommon for a blockage not to be painful or severely discomforting… It never occurred to me that [sleeping with headphones] could be a safety hazard. I was really quite lucky.” Gauthier told WWLP News 22.

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About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.

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