Microsoft Bing to get a revolutionary new version featuring ChatGPT

Reportedly, Microsoft is going to release Bing with ChatGPT integration that will allow users to ask questions in a natural way and get a tailored search experience. It is expected to reshape how users explore the internet.

Microsoft Bing

(Image credit: Future)

New Microsoft Bing also adjusts its search queries with users in mind

According to a user Owen Yin, Microsoft is planning to update its Bing search engine and include artificial intelligence from OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot, which allows it to answer search queries with complete sentences instead of providing a list of links.

Yin got to try out a handful of features and grab a few screenshots before his access got revoked, giving us a good look at how Microsoft Bing will function with AI woven throughout.

The first major difference between a normal web search engine and the new AI-powered Bing is that the search will appear as a chat box and is much larger in size. It will also encourage natural language instead of keyword-driven terms and allow users to ask Bing to look up specific topics or ideas and also ask for its opinion with its responses returned to users in a chat bubble.

Microsoft Bing

Furthermore, the new Bing will adjust its search queries with users in mind. Users can tell Bing with their natural language, their plans, or requirements like dietary needs or schedule conflicts, and the search engine will provide users with relevant information for their search request that factors in those requirements.

Microsoft Bing

We can expect it to launch by the end of March as it is intended to give Microsoft a competitive edge over Google, its main search rival.

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