Apple is planning to launch redesigned Apple Silicon MacBooks in the second half of 2021, as per renowned analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. The company also plans to launch a new iPad with a mini-LED display and 5G networking, third-generation AirPods (with AirPods Pro design), and Apple Watch with new health features and improved form factor in 2021. This information has been obtained from the latest research note by the analyst, however, it does not clarify which model or size MacBook will launch with the new design, or which iPad will launch with mini-LED and 5G first.
Redesigned Apple Silicon MacBooks
Although the new M1 chip-based MacBook Air and MacBook Pro have received praises from everyone, many people were expecting Apple to launch them with new designs and the long-awaited mini-LED displays. Apple has never officially confirmed any move to mini-LED, but the rumor mill has constantly been hyping up the switch. It was also rumored that the new MacBooks will have thinner bezels, which might be the case with the late 2021 redesign. Kuo previously said that redesigned 14.1-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models will launch in late 2021, and it is highly liked that these will launch with the new Apple Silicon M1X chips. It will not be surprising as these MacBook Pro models cost a premium, and Apple introduces new designs through its most expensive ‘Pro’ products.
5G iPad with mini-LED display
Now that Apple Silicon has arrived on the Mac, and shows tremendous battery life and performance gains in MacBook Air, iPad Pro will be a tough sell for Apple. Kuo believes that the iPad’s growth momentum will be based on new features like 5G networking support and mini-LED displays. This means that low-end MacBook Air and MacBook Pro might not get mini-LED displays for a while, which would allow Apple to push more iPad sales because of the improved display in the same or lower price range.
Kuo reports that the ninth-generation iPad will launch in 2H 2021. Although he did not specify which iPad will get 5G networking and mini-LED first, we can safely assume that these will be the major features of the next iPad Pro.
Third-generation AirPods with AirPods Pro design
This has been predicted by many sources already and is not a question of if, but a question of when Apple will launch its third-generation AirPods. Kuo thinks it will be in the second quarter of 2021, which he had said a few weeks ago too. They are expected to have the same design as their Pro siblings but at a lower price and without active-noise cancellation.
Apple Watch Series 7 with new health features
As is the case every year, Kuo expects the next-generation Apple Watch to feature new health management functions. He also noted that it will have an improved form factor design. Perhaps the biggest design change Apple can ship with Apple Watch is to make it thinner than it is right now. Perhaps Apple Watch Series 7 might see this change. Apple introduced the current Apple Watch redesign with Series 4, and has used it for three generations.
via MacRumors