‘Start Windows 7’ theme

Windows Start

Since Windows 7 is just about to launch on 22nd of October ( 12 days left! ), I decided to make this theme dedicated to Windows 7 itself. The Windows logo is surrounded by what Windows 7 is all about, where as the white color stands for the simplicity of doing things in 7 (compared to Vista of course ;) ). The theme is available free for download and works only on Windows 7. Check out the screenshot below for a preview.

Start Windows 7 Screenshot

Download the theme here.

Download the Widescreen version of the theme here.

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About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


  1. Pingback: Start Windows 7 Theme
  2. Pingback: Start Windows 7 Theme | Barrier Breaker
  3. Pingback: ‘Start Windows 7’, tema visual para Windows 7 | Blog de Windows 7 | Win-7.es
  4. Pingback: » Temi Windows 7: Start Windows 7
  5. Pingback: Start Windows 7: Tema per Windows 7 « 2008Computer
  6. Pingback: Oggi vi presento un tema molto spartano, Start Windows 7. Per un desktop pratico e pulito. | Segreti e consigli dal WEB 2.0

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