Windows Phone 7 Update To Be Released On February 7th?

Despite no official word from Microsoft on a release date yet, a pretty strong rumor suggests the long awaited first update for Windows Phone 7 will eventually drop on February 7th according to a report from, a french website. It is believed that this download will feature the Copy / Paste feature, something which should have been included in the OS at launch. A number of performance upgrades and UI enhancements are also expected in this WP7 update.


It is also suspected that the update will block ChevronWP7 jailbreak / unlock as well.

This update will bring a number of improvements, with the advent of copy / paste within the OS, better launches and recoveries of applications (including games), the support of Qualcomm chips 7 × 30 and CDMA (for USA). Also, small novelty proposed ChevronWP7 seems to have been blocked.

Staty tuned, as we’ll update you as soon as its publicly available for download!

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[via Pocket Gamer]

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I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in Diagnostic Radiology. I'm crazy about Formula 1, all sorts of gadgets, surfing, console gaming, movies, music & I simply LOVE high-end designer wear! Follow me on Twitter @DrUsmanQ

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