2 Exclusive Zune HD hands on videos from GDGT Party in San Francisco


Here are more looks at the Zune HD, but this time on video via Youtube, from the GDGT party in San Francisco where Microsoft have their own display stall as well. The high quality UI transitions are evident in the very clunky video through output to an HD display. The video quality is just stunning at 1080p on the LCD as well as on the Zune HD itself.You can also see Xbox integration in the video with Zune Video.

In this video, the person demonstrating the video gives very good details of the work done to improve battery life through Tegra and the OLED screen, although you wont get a good look at the screen itself. The video is around 10 minutes in length so just watch it below:

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


  1. Hey Look my video from last night is making the rounds on the interwebs. Looks like i was the one of the only smart enough to take pics of it.

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