Another Amazing Kinect Hack: OpenKinect puts a Keyboard Anywhere You Want to Play

Just in case you didn’t know, Kinect is amazing. This new hack just proves how it keeps blowing ours minds away everyday. OpenKinect puts a keyboard anywhere you like so you can play it with your hands, feet or even create a big enough keyboard on the floor for two people to play together. Oh and it works at 30fps with minimum lag.


Sure it’s not the most practical hack you’ll see, but it’s simply amazing and demonstrates the limitless potential hidden inside Kinect. Microsoft has created a monster that it hasn’t even exposed itself yet. Yet another reason why Kinect is the real invention of the year.

Check out these other brilliant Kinect Hacks:

via KinectHacks

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.

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