Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced donations for the affectees of flooding in Kentucky and other surrounding states in the United States.
In times of humanitarian crisis caused by natural disasters or geopolitical conflicts, the Cupertino tech giant rises up to the occasion by providing financial assistance for the relief and recovery efforts for the destitute people.
Apple donated to relief and recovery work in Haiti when it was struck by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in August 2021, in Germany, Belgium, and other Western European countries after the regions were devastated by floods caused by unprecedented rain in July 2021, and in U.S Midwest, and Southern states were torn by 30 tornadoes in December 2021.

Apple CEO Tim Cook extended emotional and financial support to the affectees of the “worst flash flooding” in Kentucky in decades
In a message on Twitter, Apple CEO Tim Cook lamented the devastation caused by the flooding in Kentucky, U.S. Heavy rain led to flooding that swpet away houses, separated families, damaged infrastructure, and tragically, loss of lives.
Our hearts are with everyone impacted by the devastating floods in Kentucky and surrounding states. To everyone in harm’s way, please stay safe. Apple will be donating to community relief and recovery efforts.
Calling it the “worst flash flooding the region has seen in decades”, BBC reports that at least 30 people have died in the Appalachia region of eastern Kentucky and the death toll is expected to increase because hundreds of people are unaccounted for.
Governor Beshear called the flood “the deadliest and the most devastating of my lifetime”. Many people “only have the clothes on their backs.”
According to the report, scientists say that climate change is triggering “more extreme weather events” like the Kentucky flooding.
Apple has set a goal to be 100% carbon neutral across its business and supply chain by 2030 as a solution to climate change or global warming causing extreme weather conditions across the globe. The world needs a global effort to adopt environmentally friendly habits and save the earth and more importantly save the loss of innocent lives.