Apple Entrepreneur Camp participants create new collaborative apps for musicians and young coders

In 2019, the Cupertino tech giant launched a program to facilitate developers’ coding education at the Apple Entrepreneur Camp. Today, the company has shared stories of three participating developers who designed three new innovative apps with help of the technical assistance acquired at Apple Entrepreneur Camp: Hopscotch, imagiLabs, and TuneBend apps.

Apple Entrepreneur camp

With the focus of including under-represented groups, earlier this year, the company held its first-ever Entrepreneur Camp for Black developers and founders and announced Apple Entrepreneur Camp for female developers which will commence on July 20.

Around the world, coding has become the official language of today’s entrepreneurs. It eliminates obstacles, offering powerful platforms for new business innovators to engage customers with breakthrough experiences and services. To share the opportunities that are opened up by code, these developers are even creating apps that teach coding to traditionally overlooked communities.

With apps for learning the fundamentals of code and fostering creative expression, entrepreneurs seek to engage a broader community of future developers and creators. Their sense of purpose is often a result of their own coding journeys, starting when and how they began working on their first digital projects.- Apple 

Apple Entrepreneur Camp facilitated creators of Hopscotch, imagiLabs and TuneBend apps to offer innovative solutions

Designed to offer a comprehensive learning experience, the Cupertino tech giant provides “hands-on technology lab, one-on-one code-level guidance from Apple experts and engineers, as well as mentorship, inspiration, and insights from top Apple leaders. After the lab concludes, participants get ongoing support and become part of a growing community that helps create and build businesses” at the Apple Entrepreneur Camp.


Built by the founder of ShapeShifter Lab and Jazz musician Matt Garrison, the TuneBend app will allow musicians to play and record music together. It will also provide them a platform to sell their music. Garrison shared that with the passion to create a collaborative digital music experience, he entered the world of coding with only an idea and no skill. Luckily, the latter was taken care of at the Camp. He said that:

“I’ve always been fascinated with computers and technology. Now I understand how to get inside them to really develop a digital texture to the ways of presenting music. I think we’re one of the few music venues that actually builds code on site.”

Apple Entrepreneur camp


Samantha John created Hopscotch app as a code-learning app for kids. The platform teaches children the fundamentals of code by allowing them to create their own games, stories, and art. John specifically designed the app for young girls because she found that many of her male friends knew to code. She said that:

“It was amazing getting to work at the new Apple campus and having access to all the resources there. I think my favorite part was when I got to work on a bug in web GL with the actual engineer who maintains it for Apple.”

Apple Entrepreneur camp


Designed by Dora Palfi, Beatrice Ionascu, and Paula Dozsa, the imagiLabs app provides a supportive community to young girls in their pursuit to learn and develop their own coding “superpower.” The developers met at Apple Entrepreneur Camp, shared their ideas and formed a company to facilitate a conducive learning environment for young female coders. Dora Palfi, imagiLabs’s CEO and founder said that:

“Studies have found that at the age of twelve, boys and girls share a similar interest in computer science. However by the age of fourteen this interest diverges, with interest rising to 47 percent for boys, but declining to 12 percent for girls. We believe this is due to a lack of relevant activities created with, and for girls. Our app and the imagiCharm can fill this gap.
Apple Entrepreneur camp
As per the shared article, a smaller version of the TuneBend app will launch at the WWDC21 event.
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About the Author

Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.

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