It was recently discovered that Apple has added an improved ‘Report a Problem’ button on the App Store. Now the company has confirmed that the new link is added on iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey to combat and protect users from “problematic apps”. However, the feature is currently available in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, and will expand to other regions later.
Although Apple markets the App Store as a safe and trusted digital marketplace, the App Store is infested with scam apps. The malicious apps use the App Store 5-star ratings and reviews features to trick Apple and users into believing that they are legitimate apps. Kosta Eleftheriou, a developer who has suffered the burnt of scam apps, highlighted how the scam apps steal millions of dollars annually from unsuspected users and Apple does nothing about it. Seems now the Cupertino tech giant is listening to critics and is working on ways to preserve users’ safety and its integrity.
Apple informs developers that the new “Report a Problem“ link is to identify and remove problematic apps
In its newsletter to developers, Apple confirmed that the new “Report a Problem“ link on the latest iPhone, iPad, and Mac updates is designed for users to report their concerns easily and more importantly, ‘Report a scam or fraud’. In addition, the developers are also warned of punitive actions if they engage in purposeful manipulation or any other form of fraud.
In addition, users worldwide can now choose from “Report a scam or fraud” and “Report offensive, abusive, or illegal content” options at, and report issues with their apps, including free apps that do not offer in-app purchases.
Problematic apps diminish the App Store experience for users and developers, and we’re constantly expanding techniques to identify even more types of problematic content for removal. If we suspect that a developer has engaged in purposeful manipulation, fraud or abuse, we will notify them and take action. Consequences may include removal of apps and may impact their Apple Developer Program membership.